The wonderful folks down in Eugene, OR have been putting together some amazing articles detailing the local organizing and organizers of Fascist groups in the Pacfific Northwest Region. Since we are heads down in our own data getting ready to relaease more info on specifically local fash, we thought we could offer up this encouraging news from the latest out of Eugene Antifa:
“Eugene Antifa is releasing thousands of messages from the private communication channels of “Patriot Coalition PNW,” a burgeoning far-right network that includes members of the Proud Boys, 1776 2.0 militia, the Three Percenters, Operation Werewolf, and more. The chats provide a detailed look into the planning behind the August 22 “No to Marxism” rally in downtown Portland. They also show new evidence of collaboration between police and local far-right violence. In the coming days, antifascists will be releasing additional identities of members from the Patriot Coalition.
Contact: eugeneantifa [at] protonmail [dot] com
View the chats here:
In addition to this excellent regional work Eugene Antifa has caught up some local Aberdeen based Nazi scumbags in their dragnet.
Matthew James Horton, Brian Anthony Cornelius, Christopher and Alena Mack are all profiled in their article on Richard Bowman quoted below. Note the references to wolves, werewolves, and even a few wolfsangels for good measure. All these people and symbols are connected to the smaller feeder organizations such as PNWWP, whose leader Joshua Cache McCallum that CRASS profiled here. We Added some details from our upcoming article on Christopher and Alena Mack at the end of Eugene Antifa’s article showing Alena’s friends list (many articles forthcoming from THAT list) and displaying her email ( BIG SURPRISE there. Also included is Chris Mack’s Facebook page displaying an image from their shit band “Burial Stump” with the numbers “88”, a well known neo nazis trope equating to the 8th letter H, HH being short for “Heil Hitler”. Also relevant to this discussion is a deep dive into the Wolf Brigade Neo Nazi hipster gym subculture in the region detailed by Corvallis Antifa here. As well as an article from Rose City Antifa taking a DEEP dive into the fascist Neo-pagan cult Wolves of Vinland (they make an appearance in Alena’s friend list too) which can be found here.
From Eugene Antifa:
Matthew James Horton is a member of Operation Werewolf living in Aberdeen, Washington. Matthew’s house in Aberdeen has acted as a gathering place for members of Operation Werewolf because of his home gym, which he calls “Damage Gym.” Matthew has been a member of Operation Werewolf since at least 2016 and has attempted to recruit more members locally. He has connections to the local biker scene in Aberdeen, WA. Matthew works as a garbage truck driver for LeMay Grays Harbor (contact them here).
Matthew Horton (right) poses with Operation Werewolf member Sean Tahtinen (left). Matthew has a “Thor’s Hammer” tattoo on his left wrist and the helm of awe on his hand.
Sean Phillip Tahtinen is a member of Operation Werewolf and a violent felon. In June 2020, he was arrested in Indiana for pointing a handgun at a man during an argument. From Munice Star Press: The Muncie man told police he had been carrying the handgun for protection “with everything going on.”
Matthew Horton, Richard Bowman II, Priya Bhan, and Sean Tahtinen pose in Matt’s “Damage Gym” in Aberdeen, WA.
Matthew James Horton (center) poses with Brian Cornelius (right) and an individual wearing a three-percenter shirt.
Matthew Horton AKA Matt Damage jokes about hitting protesters with his vehicle.
Matthew Horton is a serial domestic abuser, having been convicted of domestic violence in 1997, 1998, and 2004, per public records. It is not surprising that a domestic abuser would be drawn to a fascist gang that prides itself on violence and ultra-masculinity, all while espousing a hatred of women and femininity. A number of prominent figures in the American far-right have histories of domestic violence, like serial abuser Augustus Invictus, Richard Spencer, and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes.
Brian Anthony Cornelius lives in Aberdeen, Washington, and has recently become involved with Operation Werewolf. Brian is part of the biker scene and rides a black pre-2000 Honda Goldwing. Brian has an Algis rune tattoo on his inner right bicep.
Brian Cornelius is affiliated with Operation Werewolf and lives in Aberdeen, Washington.
Sean Tahtinen, Brian Cornelius, and Matthew Horton pose for a picture in Matt’s home gym (AKA Damage gym).
Christopher Michael Mack is a neo-Nazi from Olympia, Washington, with ties to Operation Werewolf and the Ulfhednar Division. Chris and his Nazi wife, Alena Gay Mack, played in a shitty alt-rock band called Burial Stump, as “Chris P. Korpse” and “Ms. Mischief.” The band has landed some minor gigs in the Grays Harbor and Olympia area. In June 2020, antifascists unearthed a photo of Alena Mack giving a Sieg Heil with young children in front of a Nazi war flag. Alena Mack is a certified counselor in the state of Washington. Chris Mack may has a history of employment in landscaping and construction.
Chris and Alena Mack, neo-Nazis from the Olympia, Washington area.
Chris and Alena Mack preforming as “Chris P. Korpse” and “Ms. Mischief” for their shitty band called “Burial Stump.”
Alena Mack (far left with flat cap) gives a Nazi salute with children in front of a Nazi war flag. She was fired from her position at Telecare Corp after community pressure.
Members of Operation Werewolf gather in Washington. From left to right: TOP: Josh Schuess, Richard Bowman II, and Matthew Horton (top right unknown). BOTTOM: Brian Cornelius and Christopher Mack.
Matthew Horton, Christopher Mack, and Alena Mack all express interest in traveling to Oregon to attack antifascists.
CRASS additions:
A pdf screenshot of Alena Mack’s friends list and email address: friendsbands
A screenshot of Chris Mack’s Facebook page: